The Best Amphibians for First-Time Pet Owners
Amphibians are fun and unique pets. They are typically low-maintenance, quiet, and don’t take up the space a dog or cat needs. If you’re interested in getting an amphibian as a pet, selecting the right species is important. Some amphibians are sensitive and need special care; others are tough and beginner-friendly.
We’ll cover which amphibians make the best pets for beginners, and offer some care tips to keep your new pet healthy and happy in captivity.
Why Get an Amphibian Pet?
Now let’s take a look at a few reasons why amphibians make great pets before we get into the best amphibians for beginners.
✅ Low Maintenance – Unlike dogs, amphibians require no walking, no playtime.
✅ Low Space Needed – Small tank or terrarium.
✅ Silent and Non-Disruptors – They don’t make loud noises like birds or dogs.
✅ Weird and Wonderful – Their behaviour, colours and ways of life are fascinating.
✅ Excellent for Small Houses or Apartments – Please, all of you with neighbouring that seems too cramped.
But amphibians are sensitive to their environment, so care must be taken.” Here are some good starter species that are easy to maintain and work well for anyone new to keeping amphibians.
Top Amphibians for Novice Keepers
1. African Dwarf Frog ( Hymenochirus spp.)
African Dwarf Frogs are fully aquatic, which means that they live their entire life in water. They are small, social, and relatively low-maintenance, making them perfect for anyone new to the hobby.
✅ Size: 1.5-2.5 inches
✅ Lifespan: 5-10 years
✅ Temperament: Calm and social
✅ Enclosure size: 5-10 gallon tank (1 to 2 frogs)
✅ Food: Commercial frog pellets, bloodworms, brine shrimp
Care Tips:
- Keep all of them in a 72-78°F aquarium with filtration.
- They require gentle filtration as they can be stressed by strong currents.
- They’re social animals, so best to keep them in pairs or small groups.
2. Eastern Green Toad (Bufo debilis orientalis)
These toads are active and robust, with vibrant green and black patterns on their backs and a bright orange belly. They're semi-aquatic and need land and water areas in their enclosure.
✅ Size: 1.5-2 inches
✅ Lifespan: 10-15 years
✅ Temperament: Friendly and energetic
✅ Enclosure Size: 10-20 gallon tank
✅ DIET: Tiny crickets, earthworms, and waxworms
Care Tips:
- The temperature should be between 72-78°F and humidity moderate.
- Create a shallow pond area and a land section with moss and some hiding places.
- Fire-Bellied Toads are toxic via touch, so be sure to wash your hands after handling them.
3. 🐸 Pacman Frog (Ceratophrys ornata)
Pacman Frogs are chunky, dumpy, and very hungry. They are relatively low maintenance and take up little room, making them a perfect pet for first time owners.
✅ Size: 4-7 inches
✅ Lifespan: 6-10 years
✅ Temperament: Solitary and introverted
✅ Cage Size: 10-gallon tank
Diet: Insects, small mice (occasionally), and worms
Care Tips:
- Maintain the tank between 75-85°F with a humidity of 50-80%.
- Coconut fiber substrate for burrowing.
- Pacman Frogs are ambush predators—never house them with other frogs, as they are likely to try to eat any other ones!
4. White’s Tree Frog (Litoria caerulea)
Common Name: White’s Tree FrogAlso Known As: Dumpy Tree FrogWhite’s Tree Frogs are hardy, docile, and easy to handle, making them one of the best pet amphibians for beginners.
✅ Size: 3-5 inches
✅ Lifespan: 15-20 years
✅ Temperament: Social, calm
✅ Enclosure Size: 15-20 gallon vertical tank
✅ Diet: crickets, mealworms and waxworms
Care Tips:
- Keep the temperature 75-85°F and humidity 50-70%.
- Give them branches and climbing areas; they like to roost up in the evening.
- They do tolerate some incidental handling but should always be touched with clean, damp hands in order to protect their sensitive skin.
5. Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum)
Axolotls are the only fully aquatic salamanders that stay in the larval stage for life. They are adorable and relatively low-maintenance and quirky pets.
✅ Size: 8-12 inches
✅ Lifespan: 10-15 years
✅ Temperament: Gentle and inquisitive
✅ Enclosure Size: 20-gallon tank (for each axolotl)
✅ Food: Axolotl pellets, earthworms, and frozen bloodworms
Care Tips:
- Keep their water temperature between 60-68°F—they aren’t tolerant of warm temperature.
- Choose a gentle filter because they prefer still or slow-moving water.
- No gravel or small substrate- they could choke on it.
6. Ambystoma tigrinum (Tiger Salamander)
Tiger Salamanders are tough and adaptable creatures and are a perfect beginner pet. They are burrowers and spend most of the time of their lives below ground.
✅ Size: 6-13 inches
✅ Lifespan: 12-20 years
✅ Temperament: Playful and interactive
🔹 Enclosure Size: 20-gallon tank
✓ FOOD INTAKE: earthworms, crickets, mealworms
Care Tips:
- Give an inch or two of deep, moist substrate for burrows.
- Maintain the enclosure in the 60-75°F range.
- They cannot be handled often because their skin is incredibly sensitive.
General Care Tips for Pet Amphibians
Although care requirements vary for different species, general rules hold true across all amphibians:
1. Set Up the Right Enclosure
- Provide a secure, escape-proof tank with the proper land-to-water ratio for the species.
- Proper temperature and humidity: Heats lamp, heat mat, misting system
- They should not be handled frequently, as their skin is very sensitive.
2. Use Safe and Clean Water
- Make sure to treat the water with a chlorine remover before putting it in the tank.
- Replace water in aquatic systems frequently to limit bacterial proliferation.
3. Feed the Right Diet
- The vast majority of amphibians eat live prey, like crickets, worms and small insects.
- Dust insects with calcium and vitamin supplements to avoid deficiencies.
4. Limit Handling
- Amphibians also have sensitive skin, so don’t handle them often.
- If you do need to handle it, wash your hands before and after.
5. Monitor Health and Behavior
- Consensus: Watch for signs of disease, like lethargy, weight loss or signs of skin changes.
- Make sure they’re eating great and moving around their environment.
Amphibians are some of the low maintenance, quiet and interesting pets and therefore a great choice for first-time owners. First, if you want a challenge, some amphibians are less forgiving of errors than others (try making it easy with African Dwarf Frogs, Fire-Bellied Toads, White’s Tree Frogs, and Axolotls).